Sacyr Social signs collaboration agreement with the Randstad Foundation to recruit 30 people with disabilities

  • The Randstad Foundation will recruit and train these professionals that after this program will join the staff of Sacyr Services.

The Randstad Foundation and Sacyr Social have signed a collaboration agreement to jointly develop a program to promote the inclusion of 30 people with disabilities.

The Randstad Foundation will recruit and train these people so they can obtain their official certificates in social healthcare for dependent people. The training will consist of 370 hours of theory and 80 hours of practical training.

Once the training is over, Sacyr Social will assume the labor insertion of these professionals at their different offices.

This agreement sets an innovative and socially committed project in motion, that will bring quality to both public administrations and the different stakeholders that will benefit from it.

Sacyr Social

Sacyr Social is a Sacyr Services company, specializing in providing social services that attend more than 20,000 dependent people all over Spain (senior citizens, functionally diverse people, minors at risk of social inclusion, or people with severe disabilities).

Sacyr Social works with a social attention model centered on people, it develops strategies to improve the quality of life of elderly people and dependent groups, promoting an active and health aging process, preventing isolation. Its services include the management of senior homes, day care centers, home care, and sheltered housing.

Randstad Foundation

The Randstad Foundation was created in 2004 with the mission to work for equal job opportunities for people with disabilities. Its work consists of developing the employability of its users through social and labor insertion itineraries that align with the professional opportunities that the collaborating companies offer. The Randstad Foundation also helps these companies to develop integration plans for their staff and corporate diversity projects.

Since its creation, the Randstad Foundation has attended a total of 48,688 people, trained 18,178, and achieved 18,432 contracts that promote the labor insertion of people with disabilities or at risk of exclusion.  


In the picture, Enrique Díaz Renovales, director of Sacyr Social, and María Viver, director of the Randstad Foundation .

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