The Children First consortium, formed by Sacyr Ingeniería e Infraestructuras and Amico Design, has signed the Project Agreement for the design, construction and financing of the Grandview Kids Center project for children with special needs in Ajax (Ontario, Canada).
The centre, awarded by Infrastructure Ontario and managed by Grandview’s Children Hospital, will be a pediatric facility that will integrate rehabilitation, medical and clinical services, as well as education and research activities for children with special communication, physical and developmental needs and their families in Durham Region.
The new Grandview Kids centre will be built on a 2-hectare site and will allow for future expansion to better serve this community.
Grandview Kids will include:
- Campbell Nursery School.
- Occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech-language pathology, therapeutic recreation, audiology, infant hearing, low vision, social work; • Ontario Autism Program;
- Preschool Outreach Program
- School Rehabilitation
- Developmental pediatric medical services.
- Family/caregiver resources and support;
Work to be undertaken by the consortium will include highlights the construction of the future building on a 5-acre plot, a community swimming pool, a gymnasium, playgrounds and a path through a forest adjacent to the building.