• Innovation

CIEC, a center to promote the circular economy in Madrid

Sacyr Services is responsible for the management of part of the activities of the Centro de Innovación en Economía Circular (CIEC) (Center for Innovation in Circular Economy) in Madrid, promoted by the city hall.

The CIEC’s headquarters are located in a newly constructed building in Vicálvaro. The facilities consist of 640 m2 divided into five different modules distributed around a central hub that houses modular multipurpose spaces, co-working spaces, offices and a Fablab.

The main goal of the CIEC is to create an ecosystem of companies that can become a reference in innovation and experimentation of solutions and entrepreneurial development, according to the principles of the circular economy.

The Project is already underway, and the building will be accessible in the fall of 2022.

Sacyr Services, in collaboration with the consulting firm Barrabés and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, won the contract for the coordination of the CIEC and the design and coordination of the Fablab.

With a 3-year operation term and a €1.6 million budget (ERDF funds), this project positions Sacyr as an exemplary partner of the Madrid City Hall in the circular economy field. Additionally, it reinforces our commitment to sustainability and innovation, attracts talent through the knowledge node, and positions Sacyr in the ecosystem.

Fablabs, creativity factories

A Fablab is a laboratory thar promotes creativity through digital creation tools. Fablabs help entrepreneurs prototype their ideas. This Fablab incorporates the circular economy’s basic principles into its own and helps connect entrepreneurs and their prototypes with the CIEC’s ecosystem of companies and their involvement in the local economic development.

The CIEC’S Fablab has already started its first courses and camps:

- Technological bootcamps, like Fabkids or Fabteens with 3D printing techniques, laser cutting, electronic programming and 3D modelling, among others.

- Beginner course on 3D printing

- Basic course on Rhinoceros 2D and 3D

- Beginner course on laser cutting

Expectedly, in September it will hold the first Openlabs featuring expert speakers on large-scale 3D printing or from other institutions such as the IAAC.

Other scheduled events are workshops on biomimetics, circular design, plastics recycling, 3D scanning, parametric design, etc.

This project presents a series of critical challenges that providing an enormous sense of motivation for the participants from the innovation team at Sacyr, within a continual process of knowledge sharing and knowledge acquisition.

  • Spain
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