• Health infrastructures

Tláhuac General Hospital: the most important hospital infrastructure in Mexico City

The new health facility incorporates state-of-the-art medical equipment and a sophisticated seismic isolation system

Tláhuac General Hospital

The new Hospital General del Sur, owned by Mexico’s Institute of Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE), located in the area of Tláhuac, to the south of Mexico City, benefits from the largest investment in technology of any public hospital in the country.

It covers 32 medical specialties and has 42 consulting rooms and 8 operating rooms. They are all fitted with the very latest medical equipment.

It is also the first public hospital to incorporate a seismic isolation system, which ensures it can continue to operate as normal even in the event of an earthquake. 




Duration of the concession contract



Built area



For patients in the area

Certified as a “Safe hospital”

The Hospital General de Tláhuac is certified as a “Safe hospital”. This recognition was granted after a document assessment and the corresponding verification of the facilities by the National Evaluation, Diagnosis and Certification Committee of the Safe Hospitals Program.

The evaluation team gave the highest score in aspects such as: the building’s safety and structural integrity, architectural safety, or its emergency and natural disasters protocol and recovery plans.

The Hospital General de Tláhuac was designed, built, and operates under the established standards to meet said certification, with a 97% compliance rate.

  • Health
  • Mexico

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