The Italian Council of State has confirmed SIS (Fininc and Sacyr) as the selected proponent for the operation and management of the Italian A21 Turin-Alexandria-Piacenza and A5 Turin-Ivrea-Quincinetto highways, the connecting highway A4/A5 Ivrea-Santhià and Turin’s Beltway Highways System (Sistema Autostradale Tangenziale Torinese, SATT) and the Turin-Pinerolo stretch. These roads, already in operation, add up to 320 km in total.
This contract, awarded by the Italian Ministry for Infrastructures and Transport in June 2021 has been now ratified by the Italian Council of State.
The project is expected to generate traffic revenues higher than €2.9 billion over the 12-year period of the concession. This Design Build contract includes improvement works on the road sections with an estimate investment of €800 million.
These road networks are considered strategic for connectivity in Northern Italy, as they connect Turin to other large cities in one of the country’s most industrialized areas.
Overall, these road infrastructures have an estimated average daily traffic of close to 33,000 vehicles.