• Transport infrastructures

Sants-Sagrera: the longest urban tunnel in Europe

We are executing the most complex underground section of the High Speed Railway (LAV) that links Madrid to the French border
Sants-Sagrera Tunnel

Sants-Sagrera Tunnel

The tunnel that runs between the railway stations of Sants and La Sagrera in Barcelona is one of our proudest achievements. The tunnel is 5.6 km long and runs underneath the neighborhood of Eixample.

In order to protect the historic buildings of La Pedrera, the Sagrada Familia church, and the Torre del Fang, we had to implement major safety measures such as ground consolidation and reinforced concrete screens. In fact, this project is a leading example in terms of the building techniques and protection measures utilized.

To carry out these works, a 11.5 meter diameter tunnel was excavated by means of EPB using Barcino tunneling equipment. We also built a tunnel between two 400 meter screens at the start and another 410 meter screen at the end of the section. .



Total length



Total construction budget



Diameter excavated using the Barcino tunneling equipment

  • Sacyr Infrastructures
  • Railway infrastructures
  • Spain

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