Blog of news and innovation projects
Sacyr's Blog
Microsociety of the Water
Juanelo Turriano, unknown 16th C. innovator (I)
El Greco is not Toledo’s only adopted son worthy of an entry in the history books. Juanelo Turriano was a remarkable character who merits wider fame.
Creating buildings as if from Tente
According to Wikipedia, Tente was a line of Spanish construction toys consisting of interlocking plastic bricks that could be assembled to create, on a small scale, something very similar to what we see in modular architecture.
New gadgets that promise a greener future
The most amazing tech devices on the planet are showcased every January at CES in Las Vegas, the world's biggest technology extravaganza. This year, innovations such as solar cells that work indoors are among the highlights. They are the stars of a new generation of green gadgets.
A hand that diagnoses remotely and other robots to conquer medicine
From surgical robots, present in countless operating rooms around the world, to nanorobots that perform biopsies or administer drugs to specific organs, medical robotics is advancing at breakneck pace. Technologies such as miniaturisation, artificial intelligence and 5G are now driving the automaton revolution in the field of health care and telemedicine.
Science talks
Biowaste to clean metal-bearing wastewaters
Many industrial effluents, contaminated by metals, such as acid drainage from mining and other industries (metallurgy, metal plating, fuel, energy, fertilizer, etc.) can be treated with biowaste from animals and plants. It is incredible how nature devises sustainable solutions to regenerate itself.