Relevant facts
In compliance with the established legal requierements and in line with our policy of promoting transparency, this section contains all the relevant information disclosed to the National Securities Market Commission prior to February 8, 2020.
YEAR 2019
9/05/2019 Notices and Agreements of General Meetings
Notices and Agreements of General Meetings
0.29 MB
YEAR 2019
09/05/2019 Composición del Consejo de Administración
Nombramientos, por cooptación, de un Consejero independiente en sustitución de un Consejero
0.06 MB
YEAR 2019
08/05/2019 Others on business performance and financial information
The company announces the amortization of the convertible bond with maturity 8 May 2019
0.07 MB
YEAR 2019
30/04/2019 Liquidity contracts and specialists
Sacyr details operations on Liquidity Contract
0.13 MB