• Infrastructures

Major progress on the Ferrocarril Central de Uruguay!

First phase to verify the working state of tech, signalling and communications systems.

Our colleagues from Grupo Vía Central (GVC) have started the traffic run testing phase for this project, focusing mainly on rural and suburban areas.

These tests check the working and operation state of all tech, signalling and communication systems. Tests runs, between Florida and la Cruz, were carried out at the railway design speed, specifically at 80 km/h. 

The project includes the rehabilitation of 273 km of railways connecting Paso de los Toros to Montevideo harbor, to transport cargo and passengers in a faster, safer and more cost-efficient way.

Grupo Vía Central (GVC), comprising the Uruguayan companies Saceem and Berkes, the Spanish Sacyr and the French NGE oversees this project for the Uruguayan Ministry for Transport and Public Works. 

Job creation

The Ferrocarril Central project created around 3,100 jobs (directly and indirectly), benefiting over 2,800 people tied to the commerce and services. In addition, the new infrastructure will generate a positive impact on local agricultural, green and industrial production.

  • Railway infrastructures
  • Uruguay
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