• P3 Projects

We make progress on our projects in Colombia

Over the past few weeks we have made significant progress on two of our most ambitious projects in Colombia: Autopista al Mar 1 and Pamplona-Cúcuta.

In the case of Autopista al Mar 1, one of the most important and recent milestones is the building of 55 walls between Medellín and Santa Fe de Antioquía, to bridge the topography in this area

These retaining walls total almost four kilometers in length, with an average height of 8 meters and a maximum height of 20 meters.

Autopista al Mar 1 project is at 93% completion. This is a fourth-generation (4G) road that aims to connect Medellín with Colombia’s principal road concessions and at the same time bring it closer to the most important trade centers, like the Caribbean and Pacific coasts and the Magdalena river.

This P3 is 181-km-long and its execution is overseen by Concesión Desarrollo Vial al Mar, Devimar, participated by Sacyr for Colombia’s National Infrastructure Agency (ANI).

As for Pamplona-Cúcuta, developed by Sacyr Concesiones’ Concesionario Unión Vial Río Pamplonita, continues to make progress in Norte de Santander department.

This is a world-class project that will cut down users’ travel times and operation costs, guaranteeing a more agile, safe and comfortable road corridor.

Pamplona-Cúcuta project is in its construction stage and is at 51% progress. This project increases the region’s competitiveness compared to the rest of the country, thanks to the construction of 50.2 km new road layout, 23 overpasses, 3 tunnels and the rehabilitation of 72.2 km of the current road running between Pamplona and Betaina sector, in Los Patios municipality.

  • Colombia
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