Our collaboration with a diverse and inclusive culture and Fundación Down Madrid

We sponsor the 29th edition of the Down Madrid international art and culture contest to showcase the artistic skills of people with Down syndrome or other intellectual disability

The Sacyr Foundation has signed a sponsorship agreement with Fundación Down Madrid for the 29th edition of the international art and culture contest to support the social and cultural integration of functionally diverse people

Fundación Down Madrid organizes this international contest, that aims to give intellectually disabled people the opportunity to access the production, education and dynamics of the current cultural and artistic scene.

The Sacyr Foundation and Fundación Down Madrid intend to raise awareness about the artists by showcasing their submitted works in an exhibition and thus, contribute to creating an inclusive culture, open to diversity.

Down Madrid helps disabled people develop their artistic skills such as creativity and lettering techniques and is an example in inclusion and an active agent in social change.

Pedro Alonso, Director of the Sacyr Foundation, and Elena Escalona Lara, Director of Fundación Down Madrid co-signed this agreement, an achievement that the two organizations are very enthusiastic about.

Comitted to labor inclusion

The Sacyr Foundation is in a collaboration agreement with Fundación Down Madrid, within the framework of its commitment to diversity and labor inclusion of functionally diverse people. Some of the actions that the two have co-developed are the financing of the “Nobody left behind” project, to provide psychological, physical and emotional attention to Down Madrid’s users due to the COVID-19 lockdowns; and the Chef 21 and Green 21 programs.

Green21 is a social training program developed by Sacyr Services and Down Madrid, aimed to achieve the labor inclusion of people with Down syndrome. Several participants of Green 21 joined Valoriza to work at their gardening services in Madrid.  

Chef 21, Cooking diversity, is a competition to join a traineeship in one of the restaurants managed by Sacyr Services, and its ultimate goal is the participants’ inclusion in the job market.

These two programs are part of the Sacyr Diversity Plan, which promotes the inclusion of people with some kind of physical or intellectual disability.

  • Spain
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