• People

Our tireless cross-border fight against COVID-19

We confront the global health crisis in every area and every country where we operate.

In 2020, we mobilized our resources to face an unprecedented challenge: the COVID-19 pandemic. As managers of assets essential to society—hospitals, transportation/water infrastructures, care facilities for the disabled—we give 100% to alleviate the effects of the pandemic.

From the outset, we coordinated a swift and effective response at all our infrastructures. We adapted our assets to the pandemic and designed contingency plans to ensure the continuity of these essential services. We remembered to nurture the most vulnerable populations, with whom we collaborate through various NGOs in the countries where we operate.

At Hospital Gregorio Marañón (Madrid, Spain), which we are in the process of expanding, we adapted spaces in record time to accommodate the influx of patients. At other concessioned hospitals, like Parla and Coslada, we increased the number of beds and ICU stations. We reinforced the staff providing support services to medical personnel and ramped up cleaning and disinfection protocols. We shared our experience with other healthcare centers in an effort to fight COVID together.

from Sacyr Services providing essential help
At Hospital Gregorio Marañón in just 24 hours
Donated to associations and foundations

We implemented coordinated actions to locate and procure protection equipment on the international market in light of its scarcity. We produced PPE. Specifically, the employees of Valoriza Medioambiente made protective face shields using 3-D printers and donated them to various Madrid hospitals.

Committed to society
We put our resources to use in light of the emergency. We provided healthcare personnel with parking spaces in the lots managed by Sacyr Concessions. We placed moratoriums on rent collections from tenants with retail premises at hospitals and transport hubs. We transferred cleaning equipment from Sacyr Facilities to the UME. The employees of Valoriza Medioambiente focused on cleaning and disinfecting sensitive areas. Even in the most challenging moments, we guaranteed the collection of waste in the municipalities where we provide services.  
We help those in need

: Our Sacyr Social personnel not only knew how to adapt to the complicated situation, they also doubled their efforts at care homes for the elderly and the disabled. They visited households in hardship to provide food, cleaning, or simply care and company.

Cafestore, the Group’s service area manager, delivered tons of food to associations and foundations in Madrid, Valencia, Vitoria, and Tudela, among other cities. Through Deliquo (Sacyr Services), we prepared 200 weekly meals in Madrid for people in need.

Facing the crisis in Latin America 

We also knuckled down in the fight against COVID-19 in Latin America. In Colombia, we participated in the donation of a field hospital at the Bucaramanga Health Institute (Isabu). In an effort to support children’s education, we delivered 63 tablets and restored the El Salado IETA school with help from Ayuda en Acción.

In Peru, we donated 900 food kits to families in need. Finally, in Mexico, we joined Ayuda en Acción to purchase and deliver food and personal hygiene kits to the Singuilucan community in the state of Hidalgo.

  • Hospitals
  • Covid-19
  • Latin America

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