

We are improving transport infrastructures with the Ferrocarril Central de Uruguay railroad network and by remodeling the Ruta 21 and Ruta 24.

We provide quick, safe, and economical transport links between Paso de los Toros and Montevideo

Uruguay was incorporated into our map back in 2015, when a consortium led by Sacyr secured the contract for the Ruta 21 and Ruta 24 road P3.  

In 2019, we won the most important public-private investment project in the history of the country:  the Ferrocarril Central de Uruguay railroad network. This project connects the city of Paso de los Toros to Montevideo port. This intervention will cut travel times on this strategic route by half. 

In figures



The length of the Ruta 21 - Ruta24 road corridor.



The steel required to build 273 km of tracks for the Ferrocarril Central railroad network

Promoting the development and structural organization of the country

Transport infrastructures provide structure and cohesion to a country and generate wealth in the area. The Ruta 21 and Ruta 24 highways P3 will develop a fundamental axis in Uruguay’s transport links. These roads are the main corridor for the west coast, concentrating 50% of private vehicle movements in Uruguay.

The Ferrocarril Central is one of the most important railroad projects undertaken in the history of Sacyr, and we are participating through the consortium Grupo Vial Central (GVC). The budget for this project is €1 billion and will span 18 years (3 years of construction and 15 years of O&M).

It has already received numerous awards, these include the prestigious IJ Global award for its finance model. 

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