• Infrastructures

More than 100,000 safe man-hours without lost time injury at the Tchammawind farm.

This major achievement, which has been recognized by Chile’s Mutual de Seguridad, demonstrates our commitment to occupational safety.

Construction at the new Tchamma wind farm, in the Antofagasta (Chile) region, has surpassed 100,000 safe man-hours without lost time injury. This figure is further proof of our steadfast commitment to the health and safety of our professionals in all of our projects and in every country where we operate.  

To celebrate this major milestone, we held a ceremony with the Mutual de Seguridad de Chile, as a way to recognize our colleagues for their responsible approach to occupational health and safety, especially during the current COVID-19 crisis.

More about the Tchamma project

This wind farm will consist of 35 turbines and have an installed capacity of 157 megawatts (MW). The construction phase began in February 2020 and is already 45% complete.

We have completed the farm’s support structure and the energy discharge system. This involves designing and developing all the electrical and civil works needed to install the turbines, a medium-voltage grid, a booster substation, a high-voltage feeder line, construction of platforms and roads, turbine foundations, and improved access to the farm.

  • Wind farm
  • Industrial
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Chile

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